Jun 13, 2017

P a h a n g .

Alhamdulillah... Thank you Allah for

this opportunity of me being posted to Pahang.

Hope I can focus on upcoming piano

exam since I'll be close to teacher's house.

Whee ~

Jun 4, 2017

C o m a .

My phone went into a coma the last few days.


It was right after I said that I'd probably

buy a new phone the moment I get my first paycheck

(which is nowhere to be seen for now lol).

Oh please don't die yet. Not before my

first paycheck is within my grasp :P

But I happened to manage my emotion well with

 him by my side. Yess this Infinite guy! 

All my problem disappeared just by watching 

and listening to his performance.

His charismatic voice and emotion always

leave me in awe. 

Woo Hyun oppa, saranghae! ^-^