Dec 26, 2010

it's shopping time~!!

today was such a happy day coz my dad took me for a shopping!

i've waited for diz shopping2 thingy in years~


finally, i got it! all imported from Korea

* flying2 *

Dec 23, 2010

oh, my ARM!!! xO

uh.... i practised Love Ya dance so hard dat i hurt my left arm

crap.. now i can't do anything but rest


i juz thinking bout burning more calories today -.-''

well, maybe i DO need a rest

Stairway To Heaven!! here i come!! x3

at 11.30 am on NTV7...

*sitting in front of the TV with handful of snacks*


Dec 19, 2010

spaghetti bolognaise

finally! tonite, i managed to make one!

yay!!!! and noe wat?

it tasted great~ oh~ i'm so proud of myself


last night...

man... last nite was such a nitemare! xO

the scratching sound on the ceiling keep bugging me off!

=.= i hold on for quite some time

but then, can't stand it anymore~ it's creepy...

n i called for my sis

noe wat? she said " meh tido ngn Nabilah "

yay!!! only after dat that i managed 2 sleep well

but after i went to her bed, the sound juz...GONE


Dec 18, 2010

new handphone~

most of my fwends got new hp

but me~ nah...i luv mine

so, i dun need other hp (for naw)

well, but i think i've fall for W508 tho... ouwh... =.=''

Dec 17, 2010

stairway to heaven --> KOREAN drama

YAY!!!! Finally!! the drama is now on air AGAIN!

now it's on NTV7 ( last time 8TV )

*happy2* wow~ never thought dat God wanna let me be happy again

well,, it's kinda borring 2 be at home w/o doin or watching anything...good?

=.= at least, now i have sumthin to do instead of YouTube-ing x3

Dec 14, 2010

ss501 - Thanks For Waking Me Up show

finished all the episodes yesterday!

:D can't believe it! i've been strucked by ss501~

it's all started when i 1st saw LOVE YA MV

tha dance is sooo damn cool!

oh, and the song too~

juz then dat i realized dat they're sooo good-looking


w8, i'm not BETRAYING B2ST!


Dec 13, 2010

school's ended

i've gone through many things in SESERI diz 2 years

happy n sad moments with teachers and fwendz

what made me happy here was fwendz

but whu noes, a fwend dat i loved so much didn't appreacite me

and, a fwend dat i never realize enough, loved me more

there's so much CORNFLAKES (XD) through diz fwendship

but i'm glad dat i finally realized my true fwend

better late than never, right IZNEE? Love u! ^.^

Sep 25, 2010

the 'urrghh...' has in

have a feeling that everything is changing now

y? i dunno.. i'm so blank

we juz didn't hang out together lyke b4

is it becuz of me? have i done sumthin dat made her mad?

or does she wanted to left me...lyke b4?

. . .

if i ask her the truth, she'll juz conceal it

dat's her. i noe her


i am so....puzzled! wat does she want actually?

sumtime, she juz left me

then, she was lyke... nothing's happening n lepak same2

what is diz all about man...?! =.=''

Sep 3, 2010

crisis's over :]

it's all settled up this morning

thanx to pip tho


we hugged each other n said sorry for making our own 'ntah ape2' assumptions

haha. it's funny,, coz a small misunderstanding can make us apart

but glad it's over now

n i hope it will over too...sooner or later...between ' I ' and ' N '

i really2 hope so that we can gather like b4

and happy2 alwayz... =)

Aug 31, 2010

nothing's perfect...

" Jangan sedih jika diri tak dihargai tapi sedih bila diri tak lagi berharga."

i'm the one that she thought didn't appreciate her

who does she think she is? God?

she didn't even know that i do appreciate her

maybe not as much as she wanted to but... i do.. even a bit

" Dalam bersahabat jangan cari kesempurnaan dan persamaan tapi cari keserasian."

she wanted a perfect friendship but nothing is perfect in diz life

i can accept it,,, but can she..??

no, she can't. so she left

-the end-

Aug 30, 2010

hurt is hard...

didn't know dat it was very hard to keep a friendship still

it's hard to keep one's heart warm

it's hard to please other person

it's hurt when i didn't even notice that i've hurt a person's heart

seriously.... i didn't notice it.. i'm sorry

i hope we can get a new start

May 17, 2010

korean dance..

mhm, 4 teacher's day ni, kitorang bwt prfrmnce korean dance
mmg bnyk ar dugaan... ntah ar,
the dugaans are~~
1st : lab comp,,,
2nd : bilik muzik,,,
3rd : AJK ckp nk cancel kitorang pnyer prfrmance,,,
4th : AJK ckp nk devide kitoang 4 diff prfrmance timing,,,
5th : malaz nk ckp da...
tp, mmg bnyk ar. aq slalu ar jgk tnsyen memikirkn mnde nih
hissyhh.... tp pg ni nk prform da, so juz pasrah je la
hope evrythg will be juz fine..amin..
p/s : da bpe bulan aq x blogging eh??? hehe

Mar 7, 2010

ZB? have i get over him?

mhm.... i guess so lah
ntah ar, aq rase cam da x bpe nk pikir sgt pasal ZB da skunk ni
ye ar, dok SBP ni aq brusaha mem-busy kan diri
so, x de ar dok temenong pikir pasal dye
tp kadang2 ade ar tetibe tringat plak en
aq rase maybe dye da lupekan aq pon
coz x de plak ade dengar kaba dr Kede or Aida pasal dye pon kne lar get over him coz dye da get over me kn??
mhm~ for diz time, x de sape lg after aq ngan ZB

Feb 28, 2010

Penat Giler nak mampos weyh!!

kitorang ari nih ade merentas desa
aq mmg da tau trek taon ni lg pnjang tp diorang ckp x de masok utan
bru je nak lega weiii TAPI! sumer tu dusta!
pale hotak diorang x de bukit. aq rase 5 / 6.2 km doe kt dlm bukit tuh
penat giler nak mampos ar
aq bape kali stop kejap nk rest
nak kumpol energy balek ar katekan~
haha.... n dgn banggenye, aq ar org ke-3 smpai paling last!

Feb 15, 2010

selfish punyer org!

nyampah aq.

time stop kt R&R td, aq g ar solat ngn ibu.

then, bila da siap, aq nk pki selendang.

tp, ade org solat kt tepi cermin so x leh ar aq nk gne crmin tuh.

maybe rmai sgt org kot, dye tepakse solat je kt situ.

then, bila dye da siap, aq pon gne cermin tu.

dgn pntasnye, dye pon tetibe ade kt tepi aq, nk gne skali crmin.

aiii.... rupe2nye ko solat kt situ coz nk cop tmpat pki tudung ar?!

kuang hajo pnyer minah!

tudung jer~ bkn nye selendang cam aq nih.

kne lilit2 bagai.

len kali klu aq jmpe org cam tu, mmg aq sound direct ar.

kesah ape aq ko lg tua ke haper.

*tp klu org tua, kutuk dlm ati jer la...*

dlu pon aq pnh kene ngan org tua.

dye g conquer cermin 2 sorang2.


Feb 6, 2010

nyanyi nasyid~

mlm td kt surau bwt 1st time nye aq rase best kt surau
kitorg form 5 nyanyi nasyid Jalinan sama2
best giler! sumer muka happy
form 4 je yg x de prasaan
time 2 rase cam Bellatrix ade bond plak
aq da mula syg kt Bellatrix
n i'm gonna miss diz moment someday...

Feb 5, 2010

haprak doe junior

aq mmg panas
juniors MAJORITI discriminate klas blok B
pndag adioda je doe
yg kitorg blok B ni, sbelah mata je
dah tu, pndang jawatan pengawas, PRS, PPS
td aq jln ngn aina, n ade sorg budak ni bg salam kt aq
aii,,, kt aq jer? aina x plak..
nmpk sgt doe, juniors taon ni MAJORITI discriminate yg x de jawatan n blok A
bak kata Pipa, nx yr, sumer masok adioda
biar sendat kelas ;D

Feb 4, 2010


mmg dasyat
x smpai seminggu aq da dgr citer mcm2 psl dak2 form 4
smpai Sarah ( capt. Onci) pon kne ngn dak f4 dorm dye
aq yg dgr citer ni pn panas jer
tp mmg ar, kitorg last yr pn dasyat gak time freshie
tp diorang lg dasyat doe!
stakat nih aq x kene ape2 ag
yg bnyk kes Onci ar
mhm...I wonder biler " basuh- mmbasuh" akn trjadi ek?? hahaha~


ari tuh ade org add aq kt FB
bwt cuak aq jer coz org tuh befday dye 16 Ogos
aq mati2 salah tgk, ingatkn 16 Oktober
knape? haha. lu pikir sndiri
mlz aq nk xplain

Feb 2, 2010


ari nih dak form 4 masuk
penat giler doe kitorg uruskan diorang tuh
mlm tuh mmg tido lena giler ah
seb baek dak dorm aq baek2 jer
x de nmpk potensi nk kerek2 n mmberontak
arap2 x de ar smpai end year

Jan 29, 2010

kne tourist's interview

time aq ngn yuyu tgh rushing nk g naek lrt td...

ade ar tourist ni tgh amek pic so kitorg stop ar

then, bile kitorg nk lalu, tetibe dye bg salam

tekezot aq weiii...!

then, dye borak2 ngn kitorg

yuyu da jaoh kt dpn, so aq ar yg kne jwb

mula2 oke je, dye tnye skool mne, form bpe?

then, time dye tnye " what exam do u take in form 5?" aq da x phm

slang dye kn bebelit sket

aq g ckp "what?"

my God... patotnye aq ckp "pardon me?"

tp seb bek dye cool je repeat lg

heheh, then bru aq phm yg 2nd time pnye

last skali, dye wish gudluck. rase rugi plak x dpt lepak ngn dye lame2

klu x bley borak2 lame ag

best woo dpt speaking ngn org real English


Jan 26, 2010

teharu aq weii...

teharu giler aq,,,

mse kt toilet td, aq ingat da sorg2 je

tp rupenye qish, kurt, sharina, aida, and qilah temankan aq

diorg bimbang klu tinggal sorg2 jadi pape nnti

baiknye... T^T


intevensi ended!!!!!

yeah!!!! finally, aq rase free balek
intevernsi da abez doh
hepi giler
tp paper yg plg mncabar mmg add math ar
berasap kepale aq ni jawab
yg pnting, da abez intevensi. hoho
but not SPM doe... =.=

so sleepy!!!

urrgh.... time jawab PAI n Physics, sumer rg ngantok semacam je

coz mlm td kitorg bwt operasi pagar-memagar dorm

tido mmg lewat, around 1 gitu ar

majority tido

seb baek PAI aq x failed, Physics tatau ar


Jan 25, 2010


something happened td, time maghrib-isya'

mmg menakotkan

"dye" ckp, blok C kotor

n mmg pon

roti kering x basuh betol2

kesian diorg yg baek ati tlg basuhkn tuh

yg pasti, aq mmg basuh bersih2

ape ar,,, n bnyk giler org yg smpan bju koto dlm locker

sbb kejadian ni, rmai yg da x bwt cam tu lg

aq arap lps nih x de ar ag cam ni


Jan 19, 2010


ari ni mnde yg x aq expect jd kt aq
mnde yg aq slalu pikir2 klu tejadi kt aq,,,cemane ek?
then, ari ni mmg tejadi pon!!!!
actually, aq letak buku kt birai dinding kt library kt tingkat 3
then, time aq tgk beg kwn aq yg cntek ni, aq ter-push buku2 tuh
* gedebang,,,,bang,,,boom!!! *
camtu ar bunyik dye
dye jatoh kt zinc kt tingkat 2
takot giler!!! coz ad folio kwn aq skali kt situ
then, dgn encourage yg kwn2 aq bagi ( yg aq x pnh ckp pn ad gak ) aq pn turun kt zinc tuh
dah ar dgn bju kurung pahang kain kipas nih
T^T *feels like crying! da ar esok Sej *
aq takot je zinc 2 tiba2 je roboh ke,,, aq kn berat (hehe)
teharu giler aq biler diorang sumer tlg aq, siap tlg pegangkn tgn aq lg tuh
klu zinc 2 roboh, ad ar gak tgn diorg yg support aq
teharu beb!! korunk sumer, mekasih.... aq mmg syg BELLATRIX!!!!!

Jan 11, 2010

my dream belt~

finally! aq dpt gak belt idaman kalbu


abg aq tlg belikan, time dye dating ngn his awek ar

awek dye tlg choose, dye pay

hepi giler!!!!!

saaaaaaayang ablong!! (n kak faiz tew) ^^