Jun 4, 2019

H a p p i e r

" I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours

Yeah, you look happier, you do "


Jun 2, 2019

P o r r i d g e

Hello~ Assalamualaikum~
It's nearly the end of Ramadan

We had sooo much tasty delicacies
that nothing came in mind for today's
break fast. Oh em gee? O_O

So, I decided to try on something
that I've never cook before: Porridge.
Yes, porridge but not the plain one.
It's kind of a savory porridge.

I was actually going for chicken porridge
but sadly we ran out of chicken. So, I
decided to make a random edible savory
porridge~ Here's the super simple recipe.

1. Cook plain porridge in a pot.
2. In a pan, saute a few cloves of sliced
garlic, shallots, ginger & anchovies.
3. Add some chicken seasoning to the
sauteed mixture, followed by a cup of
water. You may use chicken stock to
replace the seasoning & water.
4. Let simmer before adding a cup of
cooked plain porridge. Stir porridge  to 
your liking consistency.
5. Sprinkle some pepper. Don't forget the 
salt and a pinch of sugar to taste! Done ~
6. I served it with  shredded chicken
leftovers, caramelized onions, sliced
omelette, and chopped parsley.

There you go, my simple edible savory
porridge recipe. I was also suprized by
how yummy it is since I didn't taste it 
while cooking. Hahaha.

As for the ingredients, I just eyeball them since 
it's only for a person, which is me :P

Enjoy! ^.^

Apr 26, 2019

M o v e

My ex is finally in a relationship.

And I finally stop stalking his fb.

I'm happy for him. He finally found
a girl that would love him better
than I am.

However, there's this strage tingling
feeling deep in my heart as I
stumbled upon their lovingly
Facebook comments. O_O

That's how I knew that it's time
for me to stop looking into his
Facebook. Hahaha.

So..perhaps now it's my turn to
 be happy again.
