Jul 28, 2014


Jul 27, 2014


Jul 4, 2014


Arguments happened, and we did 
overcome it again.Yeah, just like usual. Love
still wins no matter what.

I was being too cruel on him. I grow 
up in time, thus my mind should grow up too. 
Stop being a child please.

It's time for me to realize that things won't 
always go as I wanted to. There will always be 
pain, sadness, tears, and sorrow.

Certain things will change with time, 
and sometimes even I changed from the 
way I used to be. I just didn't realize it.

But hey~ Apart from all these harsh 
dramas, there's still one thing that will remain the 
same and never will be lost. That is..?

LOVE. yeah. Love!

His love for me.
My love for him.
Our love for each other. :)

Jul 3, 2014


Jul 1, 2014


Twice in a row.

How could you?
