Jan 28, 2012

New sport shoes~!

aww~ u read the title already

and yay~! it's a new Nike sport shoes

kind of look like that

but it's blue-black with white Nike logo *u*

and super soft inside it

i'm so in love with my new shoes~

and can't wait for gym class. lololol xD

Jan 25, 2012


so~~my dad just bought me a guitar

whee~~ *jiggles* ^o^

it looks like a 'gitar kapok' from the outer side

but who knows? it's pricey O:<

and the sounds are great *u*

i learned Thousand Years by Christina Perri
for all day long

until my left fingers got all bruised up

but i'm not stopping! cause it drives me crazy x.x

i just can't stop once i get a hold of the chord

HEAVEN~!!! *u*

Jan 21, 2012

Bro's Wed

ok, so my brother got married last night

and the wedding ceremony is today~


i got a cute sis now 8D

Selamat Pengantin Baru ablong~!

hopefully, i will get a niece soon soon lololll >w<

Jan 15, 2012

the umpteenth heartbreak

i've been gone for a while and now i'm back to blogging

idk, just didn't feel like blogging ;D

put all the fault on gaiaonline tho

seriously, gaia gave a big impact to mylife

i have crush there more than real life

and got lots of gaia heartbreak too

i even do my 1st confession there
*about 2 days ago*

and got rejected xD

BUT.... i was a zombie for about 5 hours only

and then i'm back to the normal me

wtf. i guess that's just a random crush

cause i was easily healed ;D