Jan 17, 2011

Car Driving

i had my 1st time driving experience in my life today

uncle Ah Su only teached me the basics

after i get my L license, then only he'll teach me everything

this is what i've long awaited for!

my car broke down for 3 times today

(luckily, not in front of the boys) ;D

i had some difficulty with the clutch pedal

well...my leg is not long enough for it T.T

but still, i could push the pedal *trying so hard*

surely, i can't wait for the next lessons~! ^.^

Jan 15, 2011

Ujian Undang2

i did the exercises a lot so that i wouldn't fail the test

n yes!!! i passed the test with flying colours~!

haha~ 45/50 in 9 mins

i could've done it faster but it's ok

the internet server was down so we had to wait for hours b4 doin the test

then, for the 1st time in my life... i ate at a stall
it was dusty with cars passing along it x.x

but as my stomach growling painfully with hunger...i ignored it all


Jan 9, 2011

1st Driving Lesson started!

the day that i've been waited so much finally appeared!

yup, Driving Class~!

it's Chagya's B-Day too! Happy B-Day OPPA~

i met with my not-so-close old school fwendz too

gosh....we got nothing but 5 hours of boredom!

it's the ceramah thingy that took us that long

too long that some dude n dudette dozed off (except me) ;D

lucky for me coz i brought my songs with me

K-Pop songz that will always make me chill out :D

n i met new person which i couldn't tell her age by her face

kak Noredah, 26, married, have a child, n working

well, she looks like a form 5 student though xD

oh, n a boy snapped my pic but forgot to turn off the flash =.=''

i juz ignored him ;D