Sep 25, 2010

the 'urrghh...' has in

have a feeling that everything is changing now

y? i dunno.. i'm so blank

we juz didn't hang out together lyke b4

is it becuz of me? have i done sumthin dat made her mad?

or does she wanted to left me...lyke b4?

. . .

if i ask her the truth, she'll juz conceal it

dat's her. i noe her


i am so....puzzled! wat does she want actually?

sumtime, she juz left me

then, she was lyke... nothing's happening n lepak same2

what is diz all about man...?! =.=''

Sep 3, 2010

crisis's over :]

it's all settled up this morning

thanx to pip tho


we hugged each other n said sorry for making our own 'ntah ape2' assumptions

haha. it's funny,, coz a small misunderstanding can make us apart

but glad it's over now

n i hope it will over too...sooner or later...between ' I ' and ' N '

i really2 hope so that we can gather like b4

and happy2 alwayz... =)